
|反省自己   |


  Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.


  The 20-year-old, who is studying History at Birmingham University, put together a 3ft sandwich board and cut a pathetic figure standing beside a busy main road advertising her loneliness.


  Janie said she didn't want to spend the 'day alone' because it would be 'depressing' and thought a passer by would 'take pity on her'.


  She said: 'Well my boyfriend dumped me yesterday and I thought instead of moping around the house all day I would go out and get a date.


  'I was worth more than that rat bag anyway. No one wants to be alone for Valentines day.


  'It was my friend's idea to do it, she dared me, but I just thought why not.


  'I haven't had any success as yet, but I'm confident that by the end of the day I will find a guy to take me out. I'm very determined.


  'I'm young and outgoing - so I'm sure I'll find a guy.'


  The student said this was the first time she had 'begged for a date'.


  'I put on the back of the sign 'I've just been dumped' as I'm hoping some hot guy will take pity on me,' she added.


  'The sign took an hour to make as I wanted it to look the part.


  'Loads of guys have been beeping their horn at me and flashing their lights so hopefully I'll get lucky.


  'I've been outside for two hours so far, but I'm not going until I get what I came here for.


  'My friends think I'm mad for doing this, but they all have dates for tomorrow. I don't want to be sat at home with a curry and a rom com.


  'This is what a woman has to do to get a date these days, there's a lot of competition.'


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      检讨是一个汉语词语,读音为jiǎntǎo,一指检查自己的错误言行,二指总结研讨,三指查核、整理,四指官名。出自唐 白居易《书》与元九:“仆数月来,检讨囊袠中,得新旧诗,各以类分,分为卷目。以下是小编为大家收集的反省自己不遵守纪律的检讨书(通用3篇),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。