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  topic 11: do you agree or disagree with the following statement? universities should give the same amount of money to their students'' sport activities as they give to their libraries. use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  1 a student''s primary education goal is to pursue knowledge.

  2 sports activities ,on the other hand ,require some investment every year.

  3 ideally ,a school should provide its students with a well-balance education that helps them develop all of their skills.

  topic 12: many people visit museums when they travel to new places. why do you think people visit museums? use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  1 to gain a better understanding of this new culture ,many travelers will go to a history or cultural museum.

  2other people choose to visit museums abroad to see things that they can not see at home.

  3it is an activity that will provide the traveler with a better understanding of the world ,no matter what his specific interest is.

  topic 13 : some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. which do you prefer? use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  1 although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant, i like the taste of my mother''s cooking because it tastes like home.

  2 we also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter more personal.

  3 lastly ,when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the bill.

  topic 14: some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes .others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. which point of view do you agree with? use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  1 adults must be able to manage their time on their own and to make their own decisions.

  2 by the time they reach university ,students are no longer children.

  3 finally, non-compulsory class attendance may not only lead to improvement in the students, but also in the teaching.

  topic 15: neighbors are the people who live near us. in your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? use specific details and examples in your answer.

  1 the first requirement of a good neighbor is that he does not disturb others in the neighborhood.

  2 second, a good neighbor should cooperate in the care of the neighborhood.

  3 neighbors should watch out for each other''s security by reporting suspicious people who may be trying to steal something and dangerous conditions such as broken slide on the playground.

  4 finally, the best neighbors help each other when they are in trouble.

  topic 16: it has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. do you support or oppose this plan? why? use specific details and examples in your answer.

  1 furthermore, in this busy society, it is often difficult to find the time and energy to prepare a meal after working hard all day.

  2 at times like this dinning out can really be a big help, and having a restaurant located in the neighborhood only makes it more convenient.

  3 to sum up, i believe the advantages of having a restaurant in the neighborhood outweigh the disadvantages, and so i would support this proposal.

  topic 17 : some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. others think that it is always better to have a teacher. which do you prefer? use specific details and examples in your answer.

  1 perhaps the most important is that a teacher can help me interpret and better understand what i am studying.

  2 in addition, i can benefit from the teacher''s greater knowledge of and experience with the subject.

  3 finally, a teacher can direct my studies so i can learn more efficiently.

  topic 18: what are some important qualities of a good supervisor(boss)? use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

  1 most importantly, a supervisor must be very knowledgeable about his company''s business.

  2 another important quality is the ability to delegate.

  3 last but not least, a good supervisor must be even-tempered and able to offer constructive criticism.

  topic 19: should governments spend more money on improving road and highways, or should government spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)?why? use specific details and examples in your answer.

  1 first of all, better public transportation systems, including buses, trains and subways, will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars.

  2 second, using public transportation saves energy.

  3 and last but not least, greater us

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