
|经典签名   |


  i could be your sea of sand

  i could be your warmth of desire

  i could be your prayer of hope

  i could be your gift to everydayi could be your tide of heaven

  i could be a hint of what's to come

  i could be ordinary

  i could be the onei could be your blue eyed angel

  i could be the storm before the calm

  i could be your secret pleasure

  i could be your well wishing well

  i could be your breath of life

  i could be your european dream

  i could be ordinary

  i could be the onenow i would lie here in the darkness

  now i would lie here for all time

  now i would lie here watching over you

  comfort you

  sing to youi could be your worry partner

  i could be your socialite

  i could be your green eyed monster

  i could be your force of light

  i could be your temple garden

  i could be your tender hearted child

  i could be ordinary

  i could be the onenow i would lie here in the darkness

  now i would lie here for all time

  now i would lie here watching over you

  comfort you

  sing to youwill i ever change the journey

  will the hushed tones disappear

  oh little rita

  let me hold you

  oh little rita

  let me love youi could be your leafy island

  i could be your thunder in the clouds

  i could be your dark enclosure

  i could be your romantic soul

  i could be your small beginning

  i could be your suit in universe

  i could be ordinary

  i could be the onei could be ordinary

  i could be the onei could be ordinary

  i could be the one

可爱的家英文歌词 新年好英文歌词 你好可爱歌词 明天会更好英文歌词 英文歌词大全 雪绒花英文歌词 英文歌曲歌词 baby歌词英文 she歌词英文 英文儿歌歌词 柠檬树歌词英文 经典英文歌词 吻别英文歌词 closer英文歌词 红河谷英文歌词 英文字母歌歌词 好听的英文歌词 哆来咪英文歌词 青花瓷英文歌词 明天会更好英文版歌词


    • 经典文学文化常识总结

      1 《诗经》中国最早的一部诗歌总集。由孔子修编。共收入诗歌305首,古称“诗三百”。由风、雅、颂三部分组成。是中国现实主义文学的开端。  《楚辞》中国第一部浪漫主义诗歌总集,也是我国古代第二部诗歌总集

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    • 英文好可爱的歌词

      i could be your sea of sand  i could be your warmth of desire  i could be your prayer of hope  i cou

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