
|爱情美文   |






  The stage is more beholding to love,than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is eyer matter of comedies. and now and then of tragedies, but in life it doth much mischief;sometimes like a siren , sometimes like a fury.


  You may observe,that amongest all the great and worthy persond there is not one ,that hath been transported to the mad degree of love which shows that great spirits,and great business,do keep out this weak passion.You must except,neverthless,Marcus Antonius,the half partner of the empire of Rome,and Appius Claudius,the decemvir and lawgiver;where of the former was indeed a voluptuous man,and inordinate;but the lattrt was an austere and wise man:and therefore it seems that love can find entrance,not only into an open heart,but also into a heart weill fortified ,if watch be not well kept.


  It's a poor saying of Epicurus,"Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus";as if man ,made for the contemplation of heaven,and all noble objects,should do nothing but kneel before a little idol,and make himself a subject.though not of the mouth.yet of the eye;which was given him for higher purposes.


  It's a strange thing,to note the excess of this passion,and how it braves the natureand value of things.by this:that th speaking in a perpetual hyperbole,is comely in nothing but in love.Neither is it merely in the phrase;for where as it hath been well said,that the arch-flatterer,with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence,is a man's self;certainly the lover is more.For there was never proud man though so absurdly well of himself,as the lover doth of the person loved;and therefore it was well said,that it is impossible to love,and to be wise,Neither doth this weakness appear to others only,and not to be party loved;but to the loved most of all,except the be reciproque .For it is a true rule,that love is ever rewarsed,either with the reciproque ,or with an inward and secret contempt.

  过度的爱情追求,必然会降低人本身的价值。例如,只有在爱情中,才总是需要那种浮夸谄媚的词令。而在其他场合,同样的词令只能招人耻笑。古人有一句名言:“最大的奉承,人总是给自己的。”——只有对情人的奉承要算例外。因为甚至最骄傲的人,也甘愿在情人面前自轻自贱。所以古人说得好:“就是神在爱情中也难保持聪明。 情人的这种弱点不仅在外人眼中是明显的,就是在被追求者的眼中也会很明显——除非她(他)也在追求他(她)。所以,爱情的代价就是如此,不能得到回爱,就会得到一种深藏于心的轻蔑,这是一条永恒的定律。

  By how much the more,men ought to beware of this passion ,which loseth not only other things,but itself!As for the other losses,the poet's relation doth well figure them;that he that preferred Helen,quitted the gifts of Juno and Pullas .For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection ,quitteth both riches and wisdom.


  This passion hath his floods,in very times of weakness;which are great prosperity,and great adversity;though this latter hath been less observed:both which times kindle love,and make it more fervent,and therefore show it to be the child of folly.They do best,who if they cannot but admit love,yet make it keep quarters;and sever it wholly from their serious affairs,and actions,of life;for if it check once with business,it thoubleth men's fortunes,and maketh men,that they can no ways be true to their own ends.


  I know not how,but martial men are given to love:I think,it is but as they are given to wine;for perils commonly ask to be in pleasures.There is in man's nature ,a secret inclination and motion,towards love of others,which if it be not spent upon some one or a few ,doth naturally spread itself towards many,and maketh men become humane and charitable;as it is seen sometime in friars.


  Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it;but wanton love corrupteth,and embaseth it.



  蝶—佚名My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning."You're beautiful today."


  One glance in the mirror revealed that it was far from the truth.

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