a workaholic课文翻译

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  a workaholic课文翻译


  Are you a workaholic?

  There's a big difference between hard work and workaholics.

  Hard work is to work properly and logically arranged and focused, do a lot of work, know when to stop, know in addition to work and life. The workaholic is often disorganized, always looking for reasons to do more, no work to do when they feel overwhelmed, want to work to avoid the problem. They do not know how or when to relax, often take the office work home to do, is not good at communicating with colleagues and family members, life is uneven, monotonous.

  Workaholics, like those who are always drunk, have a habit that can't get rid of. This habit is usually defined as compulsive behavior regardless of the negative consequences. They are sometimes motivated by their work beliefs, workaholic behavior models, and an automatic recognition workaholic. Most employers, despite their beautiful words, are "loyal employees with a balanced lifestyle," and they need loyal, willing employees to work overtime and reward them with high salaries and more benefits. In many companies, workers unwilling to burn the midnight oil situation in jeopardy. They work only in normal time, and they must risk their jobs. Americans tend to fall into a pattern that is driven by business and spending money, which lures them to raise their expectations.

  According to some psychological advisers, obsession is good for us, and bad for us. It can inspire a sense of self-worth and fulfillment, and we can also receive rewards and praise, which will bring us good feelings that we may not necessarily get from other aspects of life.

  Workaholics have become an obvious problem since the stone age - when people try to escape from certain aspects of their lives through work, the problem arises. Our parents and grandparents work hard, but their labor is basically manual labor. And our work is much more pressing, especially in today's increasingly competitive and shrinking corporate era. Because of the gloomy economy, the company has been downsizing, and employees worry about losing their jobs, so they work longer hours. Compared with the past, we travel more often in the fast lane.

  Counselors have been aware of three types of workaholics: the energetic and the need to release.

  A person who is highly competitive and needs to prove himself and connect his self-worth with his work.








  心理咨询顾问已经注意到了三种类型的工作狂:   · 精力充沛、需要释放的人。

  · 竞争心很强、急需证明自己、并把自我价值和工作联系起来的人。

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