Life, Love, and Faith歌词介绍

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  歌曲Life, Love, and Faith



  所属专辑:My Heartbeat



  相关介绍:YLAMPRODUCTIONS出生于香港,现年21岁,就读于澳大利亚音乐学院(Australian Institute of Music)!从小受到音乐的熏陶,有一个属于自己的Band,梦想是当个钢琴家,很喜欢制作!平生第一次的制作就把Jay Chou的 夜曲和2 Pac的 Thugz Mansion混音在了一起!在英国学了2年的Music Management和Production,之后回了澳大利亚继续学习Composition和Production。这张专辑是他在他的facebook上发布的一张的自制专辑(此张专辑貌似是送给他喜欢的某某人)!专辑包含了英文,中文和粤语!擅长的乐器有钢琴,吉他。现在正在努力学习中文,准备毕业后回香港发展。


  Song:Life, Love, and Faith


  [VERSE 1]

  i used to hop picket fences. drop into the next crib

  dodge speedin' benzes to get to where to my friends lived

  now it's pullin' out whips from the crib

  tryna shine. mad problems when everything's so expensive

  my life. i'm tryna find a way to live it

  surrounded by bullshit. deal with it every minute

  'cause homies'll hate you, but they'll never admit it

  i'm just tryna find the straight path leading to the finish

  it's hard to find something worth believing in these days

  troubles got me thinkin' of returning to thief ways

  night terrors always making me sleep late

  maybe all the drama is the reason that we blaze

  cops claim permission to use light force

  put your face on the pavement, your new white forces

  covered in mud. a mom's tears thicker than blood

  i guess even in the midst of darkness, there's good. huh

  [VERSE 2]

  i remember holdin' onto crushes. tryna be sweet

  i used to stumble on my words whenever that girl speak

  and so i'd put it down in letters on some looseleaf sheets

  i would've traded anything for just a kiss on the cheek

  and now. bigger dreams. tryna get on tv

  but even with exposure, will the right girl see me?

  the nice kind of girl, they don't ever believe me

  and the other type of chick give it up way too easy

  but get caught up, you get slowed down

  i need a lady raisin' me up, and holdin' me down

  it's hard to find something genuine now

  instead of momentary passions happening when you're in town

  i'm sick of kisses that are less intimate than a hug

  they lack sentiment. kinda like the stems of a bud

  but every once in a while, it feel the way that it should

  i guess even in the midst of nothing, there's love. huh

  [VERSE 3]

  i seen light in this tunnel. shining mad bright

  but the shining's gone dim and i been stuck in that night

  illumination gave me vision. let me see what was right

  but now illumination's missing and i've lost my sight

  a little lost in this darkness. needing some changing

  i had sight then i lost it. but His grace is amazing

  still i'm struck with guilt at times. the feeling is ancient

  don't know how much longer i can say that this doesn't faze me

  after introspection i can see why they blame me

  looking back i wonder if it's really the same me

  and certain insecurities are picking me daily

  man, i've hurt so many girls. pissed 'cause this one played me

  homies betrayed me. left me for good

  so i'm shaky. what's faker than a false brotherhood?

  only Jesus can save me. need help from above

  i know even in the midst of hate, God is love. what


  what's the meaning of life, if there aint love

  and nobody to trust when u need it

  there are many things, in the world u see

  but it just aint what it seems

  so i keep on fighting for my dreams

  take a step with my feet

  following my heartbeat

  praise the one for the life, love and faith

赵天宇faith歌词 loveyourself歌词 lovelove金润吉歌词 mylove歌词 lovestory歌词 goodlife歌词 loveu2歌词 fakelove歌词 love9歌词 makelove歌词 loveyouself歌词


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