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  Mo Yan, is a famous contemporary Chinese writer. In2012, he became China's first writer who won the Nobel Literature Prize. As is known to all, graduated from Beijing Normal University, Mo Yan has won several awards. For example,in 1997, his full-length novel "Big Breasts and Wide Hips" won the Da Jia Literature Prize, a money prize of 100,000 Yuan. As a matter of fact, Mo Yan won the Nobel Literature prize, can be said to be China's contemporary literature attained an important symbol of the world recognized. His works not only carries on the traditional culture, also refer to the foreign culture , not only reflects the folk characteristics, also has a distinctive modernity. Nowadays, Mo Yan's works have been translated into more than 20 languages, 100 kinds of version, released in many countries and regions. It reflects that the international community pay attention to Chinese literary greatly. It plays an important role in improving the international influence of China as well. Generally speaking, I believe that Chinese contemporary literature and art will have a better tomorrow.


  In my mind,Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers in China,because he is from Weifang but also good at writing.

  Mo Yan was born in 1955.Now he is a 57-year-old writer.His real name is Guan Moye.Mo Yan is his pen name.It means "no speaking".He began writing in 1981 and in 2011 his novel The Frog won the Mao Dun Prize in Literature.Since then,he has won lots of prizes.

  In 2012,Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature.I'm proud of him,because I come from Weifang as well.


  MoYan is the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize.He is a great writer.

  He is so successful that I really admire him.

  He was born in an ordnary family.He worked hard at his lessons,especially at Chinese because he loved writing very much.He loved nature and observed people around him carefully.He spent more time on writing than other students.His succeess came frim his diligent and hard work for so many years.

  As a student,I will learn from him and spend more time focusing on my lessons.



  Mo Yan is the first of the Chinese writers, nineteen fifties was born in Gaomi, he dropped out of school, and left home at 21 to join the army. Mo Yan's novels in the story occurs in high density. In the thirty years of writing career, this place inspires him a lot of inspiration. Many people know Mo Yan by director Zhang Yimou's film "Red Sorghum". The film is adapted from Mo Yan's 1986 novel of the same name. Mo Yan said that winning is a surprise for him.


  Several months ago, a good news swept on China that Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. After this big event, Mo Yan, the first Chinese resident to win the prize, has been the crispy fried chicken among China. Gaomi County in Shandong Province becomes a tourist attraction because of his popularity. For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report this exciting news. People are rushing to the bookstores to buy his famous book and some are even out of stock. Generally speaking, his award means a lot to China, especially Chinese literature. The Nobel Prize for literature is a dream of Chinese literary field and all Chinese people. However, as a large cultural country that owns countless classic works, China had no winner of the Nobel Prize for literature which had become a great pity. Therefore, this prize finishes a pile wish of Chinese people. In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people can read a book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society. I think this exciting news will inspire people’s enthusiasm towards literature, which is a great motivation to the development of literature. This is what we are happy to see.


  As our country reforming and opening and modernization construction and rapid development of Chinese literature, burst out great creativity, the majority of Chinese writers rooted in people's life and traditional deep soil, creating a large number of with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, Chinese style of the outstanding works. Mo Yan is one of the outstanding representatives. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for literature, Chinese literature is not only the prosperous progress reflect, also be our country comprehensive national power and international influence on the rise of embodiment. He hoped that the majority of writers adhere to the people centered creation oriented, close to reality, life, and closeness to the masses, to create more worthy of the history, times worthy, worthy of people's outstanding works, for the prosperity and development of culture, for human civilization and progress to make new larger contribution. Hope Comrade Mo Yan make persistent efforts, innovation performance!

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