
|演讲稿   |


演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见。下面是小编为大家整理的中国现代化之路英语演讲稿【汇编五篇】,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


It’s our duty to protect he environment. As we all know, with the global warming and energy consumption, the environment is becoming worse and worse. It is very important for us to start with a low-carbon lifestyle. But how can we live a low carbon life? Here are my ideas. Firstly, it is a very good idea for us to go to school on foot instead of by car. It is good for the environment and our health as well. Secondly, remember to turn off the lights, fans and computers when we leave the classrooms. 

Thirdly, it is important for us to turn off the tap when we finish using the water. We can reuse water, too. For example, we can reuse the water to water the flowers or trees. At last, try to use the cloth shopping bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. (In addition, it is important for us to use fewer fast food boxes or chopsticks so that we can reduce the white pollution.) I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things. Lower carbon, happier life. Let’s take actions.


It was the last day of Beijing tourism, and we came to the new China Science and technology museum.

In the hall, the most striking thing is the magic pendulum over the top of the head. It has many white spheres, up and down, left and right swing, from time to time to change a variety of beautiful shapes. Dad said the magic square was designed by a Chinese scientist. Looking at the magic pendulum, I can not help but marvel at the magic of science and technology.

We took the sightseeing elevator to the two floor. The first thing that comes up to you is three dinosaur fossils. This is Yunnan province donated to the national science and technology museum. Which is the largest museum Street dragon, thirteen meters high, twenty-seven meters long, is the most in asia. Another two smaller dragons, one is a double ridge dragon, one is Lu Feng long. Look at these three huge monster, I seem to see the Jurassic period, the three dinosaur swagger walk.

Come to the third floor, explore and live exhibition hall, see from ancient times to now, washing machine from scratch, step by step progress process.

On the four floor, the capsule of Shenzhou 1 is standing in front of us. Return to the cabin as an ancient bell, its body, keep landing when burning, as if to tell us its extraordinary experience.

I think the science museum is fun, and let me push back the door to scientific knowledge again". My father and mother agreed that next year we will come!


Today, my mother and I went to the China Science and Technology Museum near the bird"s nest in Beijing. From afar, the newly built Chinese science and Technology Museum is grand and spectacular.

We walked in and found that it was a four story building with a main exhibition hall and an attached hall. Among them, the main exhibition hall is divided into four exhibition halls according to the Chinese light, exploration and discovery, science and life, challenge and future theme, which has many exhibits and large area, which is really breathtaking. I often go to the Tianjin Museum of science and technology, in contrast, is simply pale into insignificance by comparison.


We must adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party as the fundamental guarantee. The report of the 20th CPC National Congress pointed out that Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC. We must implement the leadership of the Party in all fields and links of educational activities, and continuously strengthen and improve the Party"s leadership over the education cause. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the Party"s ideological and political leadership over the education industry, always adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, integrate ideological and political work throughout the entire process of school education management, focus on building a "three comprehensive education" system, and promote the ideological and political curriculum to go hand in hand with the ideological and political curriculum. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the Party"s organizational leadership over the education industry. Party committees at all levels should regard strengthening the comprehensive leadership of education work as an important responsibility, and place the development of education in an important position.

Placing innovation at the core of China"s modernization construction is of great strategic and global significance. Only innovation can achieve endogenous driving force, and only by relying on connotative growth can we ensure high-quality development. In the past decade, strategic emerging industries such as manned spaceflight, supercomputer and quantum information have made significant achievements, and China has entered the ranks of innovative countries. Tianhe supercomputing has achieved breakthroughs from billions to billions, and then to billions. Continuously challenging the limits of computing speed has also become a microcosm of China"s technological self-reliance and self-reliance. Through independent innovation and achievement transformation, China has successively established the world"s first thousand kilometer quantum secure communication Beijing-Shanghai trunk line, and launched the world"s first quantum science experimental satellite, Mozi, which has propelled us into the world"s first tier in the field of quantum.

Always adhere to deepening the reform of the talent development system and mechanism. To establish a scientific and market-oriented talent evaluation and incentive system, and to leverage the active role of employers in talent cultivation, introduction, and use; To fully leverage the dual incentive effects of economic interests and social honor values, so that talents can have benefits, honor, and status in innovation and creation; We need to create an atmosphere of respect for talents, openness and inclusiveness, create a fairer and broader platform for work and entrepreneurship, and fully respect and realize the value of talents themselves.

The magnificent journey inspires people to move forward, and the blueprint for rejuvenation inspires people"s hearts. Chinese path to modernization is also a modernization with world significance. We will unswervingly follow the path of Chinese path to modernization, secure China"s own future and destiny, strengthen historical self-confidence, enhance historical initiative, work hard and resolutely, and strive for greater victory and glory for the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


modernization will bring a number of benefits to the chinese people. advances in science and technology will resnlt in better industrial and consumer products. new roads, tracks and trains will improve transportation for both people and goods. with new health care methods people will live happier and longer.

however, modernization also gives rise to a number of new problems. pollution of the air, land, and water has become a serious problem in many parts of china. an increase in vehicles on the roads has also caused more traffic accidents with more injuries and deaths.

we can, however, deal with these problems if we are careful. we can train many environmental scientists who can help factories operate cleanly. we can pass new laws to regulate our traffic more safely. finally, we must improve cur education system to prepare better educated people for tomorrow.

中国现代化之路英语演讲稿300字 中国现代化之路英语演讲稿范文


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      演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见。下面是小编为大家整理的关于回顾历史感谢党恩坚定信仰跟党走

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      旗下是汉语词语,拼音:qí xià,意为下属、部下。出自《后汉书.卷一九.耿弇传》。以下是小编整理的缅怀革命先烈担时代精神国旗下演讲稿【3篇】,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

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      演讲稿演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。以下是小编收集整理的拒绝野味演讲稿范文汇总四篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

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