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  Six one of the sky blue water,

  Six one sweet songs to

  We are the dolphin sparkling,

  Purity of the bloom watchout,

  The six one dream quietly blooming in the us!

  Six one blessing the warm our hearts!

  Six one of the laughter around us!

  Six one we are clouds shrouded!

  This is the whole world children's festival!

  All the children the eagerly looked forward to the festival!

  XX kids but not so happy!

  Because they have lost their warm home,

  We use:

  Countless the transparent heart,

  The dove soar to great heights,

  We therefore wish to!

  Let the clouds carrying our song,

  In the XX tent!

  Hope in the XX earth campus,

  To hear the national anthem!

  To see the five-star red flag rising!

  We are the flower bud,

  Tomorrow will be illiant purples and reds, grow more enchanting.

  We are the good children!

  We must use the infinite wisdom and hard-working hands:

  Up the mountain, taking the river,

  Modernization of the motherland,

  Flew to the golden goal

  Chinese kids all must unite, endeavour, refueling!

  Bright future belongs to us!

  Wish all the little friends!

  I wish all the children happy children's day!


  Bud is your the  Mood for Love

  Wrapped in the green leaves of the Congcong

  Jiao Jiao of the

  Like sleep smile

  Spring is your holiday

  Songs filled with your bags

  Show a casually giving lip service


  Downtown is waiting for you

  When you can harness this world when

  Iridescent Banlan dream

  As you will achieve the creation of

  Ah, you are human beings first festival

  Is the permanent hope of mankind

  You are the first human enlightenment

  More is the greatest hope


  I'm practicing telepathy.

  I'm learning ESP.

  I'm getting mental images

  like pictures on TV.

  I thought I'd pick your the ain a bit.

  I thought I'd read your mind,

  to get the answers to this test,

  but now I'm in a bind.

  I probed your thoughts and consciousness,

  and now I guarantee,

  we both are gonna flunk

  because you're copying from me.

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