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  为丰富校园活动,提高学生英语水平跟英语学习兴趣,增强广大青少年的团结合作精神跟集体主义意识 ,很多学校会举办英语话剧比赛,下面是 4人英语话剧剧本搞笑,欢迎参考阅读!

  ABCD,four man are from French----Nice Compnay ;

  EFGH,four man are Chinese---- Good Company

  In the airport one:

  A:Today,we are told to wait for the man from Good Company.

  B:Yes,though we experienced long trip,we are still happy.

  C:That’s right.Look,this city is quite beautiful,and it seems that man here are friendly.

  D:In my opinion,we will have an interesting travel this time.

  In the airport second:

  E:Excuse me,are you from French Nice Company?

  B:Yes,and you?

  E:Nice to meet you.I come from Chinese Good Compnay. And today I will pick you up to my compny.

  A:Really,thank you very much.

  E:It ‘s my pleasure.This way,please.

  C:Let’s go!

  On the car:

  E:I’m so happy to know you and welcome to China.

  F:It’s the first time for to visit China.

  A:Yes,I have never come to China before.But it’s the third time for B to visit China.

  B:I came to China before and I have been to Beijing,Shanghai and Xi’an those famous cities.

  F:What do you think you China so?

  B:Haha,China is a good place,man here are very kind.What’s more,there are so many delicious food in China.

  E:Yes,I would like to enjoy various food with you after this meeting.


  In the company one:

  E:OK,it’s our company building.This way,please.

  D:Thank you.Wow,your company looks so big.

  F:Thank you.And we have 20 subsidiaries at home and abroad.

  E:Now we will take you to our boss’ office.

  In the company second:

  E:Come in please,this is our boss, G.And G,they are our guest from French Nice Company.

  G:Welcome to our company.And sit down please.This is my assistant H,he will take charge of this project with you.

  F:Glad to see you!

  ABCD:Nice to meet you!

  G:This project we work together are important for our two companies.And the following we will four meeting which discuss something about the whole work.

  A:No problem.

  G:And please don’t worry,we will arrange anything you need before,you just tell us what you need in advance.

  B:It’s so nice of you.And this time we take lots of details about our project.I think they will do much function in it.

  E:Yes.Oh,it’s time for our lunch.Let’s go to have lunch,ok?

  C:OK,thank you.

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