Let It Go的歌词

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  【James Bay 新单《Let It Go》】


  From walking home and talking lows

  Seeing chirps in evening clothes with you

  From nervous touch and getting drunk

  To staying up and waking up with you

  Now we're slipping near the edge

  Holding something we don't need

  Oh, this delusion in our heads

  Is gonna bring us to our knees

  So come on, let it go

  Just let it be

  Why don't you be you

  And I'll be me

  Everything that's broke

  Leave it to the breeze

  Why don't you be you

  And I'll be me

  And I'll be me

  From throwing clothes across the floor

  To teeth and clothes and slamming doors at you

  If this is all we're living for

  Why are we doing it, doing it, doing it anymore?

  I used to recognize myself

  It's funny how reflections change

  When we're becoming something else

  I think it's time to walk away

  So come on, let it go

  Just let it be

  Why don't you be you

  And I'll be me

  Everything that's broke

  Leave it to the breeze

  Why don't you be you

  And I'll be me

  And I'll be me

  Tryna fit your hand inside mine

  When we know it just don't belong

  There's no force on earth

  Could make it feel right, no

  Tryna push this problem up the hill

  When it's just too heavy to hold

  Think now is the time to let it slide

  So come on, let it go

  Just let it be

  Why don't you be you

  And I'll be me

  Everything that's broke

  Leave it to the breeze

  Let the ashes fall

  Forget about me

  Come on, let it fall

  Just let it be

  Why don't you be you

  And I'll be me

  And I'll be me


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