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  梅雨潭闪闪的绿色招引着我们;我们开始追捉她那离合的神光(4)了。揪着草,攀着乱石,小心探身下去,又鞠躬过了一个石穹门,便到了汪汪一碧的潭边了。瀑布在襟袖之间;但我的心中已没有瀑布了。我的朱自清 心随潭水的绿而摇荡。那醉人的绿呀,仿佛一张极大极大的荷叶铺着,满是奇异的绿呀。我想张开两臂抱住她;但这是怎样一个妄想呀。--站在水边,望到那面,居然觉着有些远呢!这平铺着,厚积着的绿,着实可爱。她松松的皱缬(5)着,像少妇拖着的裙幅;她轻轻的摆弄着,像跳动的初恋的处女的心;她滑滑的明亮着,像涂了“明油”一般,有鸡蛋清那样软,那样嫩,她又不杂些儿尘滓,宛然一块温润的碧玉,只清清的一色--但你却看不透她!我曾见过北京什刹海拂地的绿杨,脱不了鹅黄的底子,似乎太淡了。我又曾见过杭州虎跑寺旁高峻而深密的“绿壁”,丛叠着无穷的碧草与绿叶的,那又似乎太浓了。其余呢,西湖的波太明了,秦淮河的水又太暗了。可爱的,我将什么来比拟你呢?我怎么比拟得出呢?大约潭是很深的、故能蕴蓄着这样奇异的绿;仿佛蔚蓝的天融了一块在里面似的,这才这般的鲜润呀。--那醉人的绿呀!我若能裁你以为带,我将赠给那轻盈的舞女;她必能临风飘举了。我若能挹(6)你以为眼,我将赠给那善歌的盲妹;她必明眸善睐(7)了。我舍不得你;我怎舍得你呢?我用手拍着你,抚摩着你,如同一个十二三岁的小姑娘。我又掬你入口,便是吻着她了。我送你一个名字,我从此叫你“女儿绿”,好么?



  The text of the text "green"

  My second trip to Xian Yan (1) when I was in the green of plum rain pool.

  Mei Yu Tan is a waterfall pool. There are three waterfall Xianyan, the plum rain waterfall minimum. Go to the edge of the mountain, he heard the voice of Hua Hua; looked up and set in a wet black two side in the area of sparkling white water will be presented in front of the. Let's go to Mei Yuting first. Mei Yu Pavilion is facing the waterfall; sitting at the edge of the pavilion does not have to look up, and it can be seen as a whole. The pavilion is deep in the Mei Yu tan. This pavilion crouches (2) in a prominent corner of the rock, on all empty son; like an eagle with wings floats in the sky in general. The three sides are mountains, like a half ring, and people are at the bottom of the well. This is a fall of thin cloudy weather. The tiny clouds were flowing on top of us; the rocks and the grass were greenery from the wetting. And the waterfalls seem to go off. The waterfall flushed from it, as if it had been pulled into a few strands of size; it was no longer a neat and smooth cloth. There are many corners on the rock; the waterfall flows through, sharp striking, then fly like chips of jade spattered wildly. The splashing water, crystal and duomang; afar, like a little white, like a light rain falling. It is said that this is the name of the Mei Yu tan. But I feel like teaching, more accurate. The wind up, little wind, the more it took. At this time a few points were sent into our warm arms, and then (3) got into it and found it no longer.

  Rainy lake green sparkling is attracting us; we began to catch her clutch SG (4). Clutching the grass, climbing the rocks, carefully leaned down, bowed over a stone gate, then to a tearful greenish pool edge. The waterfall in front of sleeve between; but my heart has no waterfall. I'm Zhu Ziqing with the green of the pool and sway. The intoxicating green, like a huge lotus leaf, was full of strange green. I wanted to open her arms and hold her; but what a delusion. - standing on the edge of the water, looking at it, it was a little far away! This was a flat, thick green, lovely. Her loose wrinkled valerian (5), a young woman with Qunfu; she fiddled with lightly, like the beating of the first love virgin heart; her slippery bright, like with "Ming oil", has the egg so soft, so tender, she does not stray something dust, like a piece of jade jade, color only clear -- but you cannot see through her! I have seen Beijing Shichahai to whisk green poplar, could not escape the yellow light, seem too pale. I have seen Hangzhou Hupao temple near the high and steep and deep dense "Green Wall", a lapped endless green grass and foliage, it seems to be too strong. The rest of the Botaiming, West Lake, the Qinhuai River and the water was too dark. Dear, I will compare to what you do? How do I compare? About the pool is very deep, so it can produce this remarkable green; blue sky seemed to melt a inside like this, so fresh. That intoxicating green! If I could make you think, I will present the lithe dancer; she will be gone with the wind up. If I can give up (6) do you think the eye, I will give them to that blind girl singing; she will (7) the fond gazing of a beauty. I want you; how can I leave you? I slapped you, touch you, like a girl of twelve or thirteen. I carry you to the entrance, is to have kissed her. I send you a name, I call you "daughter green", okay?

  I'm second Xianyan, I amazed Yu Mei Yu pool green.



















  The original language of autumn

  The early morning dew was struck,

  The logging sound Ding Valley trail.

  Put the sickle Daoxiang eating too,

  With a basket to install the fence between fat and fruits.

  Autumn perches in the farmhouse.

  To the cold fog River and round net,

  Like the blue bream chinesetallow leaves shadow.

  Lu hood with frost,

  A small paddle that wagged gently.

  The autumn game is on the fishing boat.

  Kusano in the sound of crickets in few rich.

  Because the more limpid on the stone.

  Where the cattle back to the,

  The summer night's fragrant and hot flute holes?

  Autumn in the eyes.

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