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  Yesterday,we didn‘t have cars.But today we have.Yesterday,we didn‘t have TV sets.But today we have.Yesterday we didn‘t have computers.But today we have.During the hundreds of years,how fast the world has changed!That‘s really a myth.

  Though the new world brings us a convenient life.It also brings more problems.For example,population,resources ,environment and so on.

  We know that the world‘s population is growing faster and faster. It‘s more than 6 billion now.It‘s a very big number.We can say the number of world‘s population is like the number of the stars in the universe.And if it goes on like that,I can‘t image what will happen.

  As the second problem,the world is short of resources now.In daily life,we need water,rock oil,coal and other things.Day after day,the resources disappear fast.And they won‘t appear.Because most of them are not renewable resources.


  Last holiday, and birds come out! On the way home, my heart Le Zizi‘s.

  At home, I saw my brother sitting on the sofa, is waiting for me then!

  Leilei, Da Buda badminton ah? My brother to see me back, got up and asked me busy, Well, Well. I readily agreed.

  Started, and her mother sat next to in front of the referee, brother tee, he suddenly come to a bait ball, depriving the ball I could not even a feather no Peng Zhao, angry face was fat, I Purple

  , And look at me angry, my brother was happy, he was like a proud cock beginning to recover without looking me: According to your point that technology, but also want to win me paranoid! I really Huotai a! I want to come true, and a harsh made a ball, think back to my brother in the next Buzhao the bar, Who would have thought my brother to shoot feathers waved gently put the ball back on the bomb, I was scared the life out a result, the ball or the floor, and I lost one point, his brother said: This will be aware of my fiercely bar! hum!

  Not willing to come back ! I was not afraid of you then! I‘m thorough service, and his brother too much.

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