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  1. Best wishes at Christma.I miss you.圣诞的祝福,真诚的思念。

  2. A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.圣诞快乐,新年好!

  3. Let`s share the happiness of Chirstmas.让我们一同分享这快乐的圣诞。

  4. At this happy moment.I miss you very much.在着幸福的时刻,我更加的怀念你。

  5. A cheery Christmas hold lots of happiness for you!愿圣诞带给你无边的幸福、如意。

  6. May you have the best Christmas ever.愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

  7. Merry Christmas and happy New Year!圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

  8. Best wishes for a wonderful new year.献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年愉快。

  9. May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you.愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。

  10. May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year.愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。

  11. Merry Christmas.Many happiness returns of the day.恭贺圣诞,岁岁似今朝。

  12. May the angel bring you peace,happiness,joys and fortunes.愿可爱的小天使带给你平安,幸福,快乐和如意。

  13. May the Christmas candle bring you peace and happiness.愿圣诞之夜的烛光,带给你温馨和芬芳。

  14. Wishing you a sparkling Christmas! May the season bring much pleasure to you.愿你的圣诞光彩夺目!佳节快乐!

  15. Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long.圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!

  16. Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.美丽的圣诞节之际,谨致我的思念与祝福。

  17. Mountains and rivers cannot separate us.Maerry Christmas.远隔千山万水,也隔不断我对你的思念。祝你圣诞快乐。


  The Origin of Christmas

  Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

  According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.

  Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

  Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date divides all time into B.C. (Before Christ )and A.D. ( a Latin phrase, Anno Domini, "in the year of our Lord.")For the first 300 years, Jesus’ birthday was celebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 354, church leaders chose December 25 as his birthday.

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