
|工作总结   |









   The arrival of the new year, feeling the burden on the shoulder is also heavy, the eyes of the parents are also hot, and their thoughts have also changed a lot. When I was a child, I always yearned for new year's new year. I can wear Qian Youxin's clothes and put firecrackers. Of course, this is the idea of a little time. Now, I always look for the atmosphere of the Spring Festival in my memory and explore the nature of the new year.

  As the new year's footsteps are getting closer and closer, I feel more and more depressed. I can't feel the feeling of new year when I am young. Maybe I didn't go home without family. What does it seem to be trying to catch? I don't know what kind of mood I welcome in the new year. Maybe I forget the real meaning of the new year. Now I just feel the joy of my family quietly and silently.

  But I'm very happy that in the new year, I have many new friends and many friends. They are always helping me in different ways. I really appreciate their love. I am very happy to become friends with them. I may not have said I moved in front of them, but I always pray for them, pray that everyone can be safe, healthy and happy. The most simple wish is always the most touching. Here, I sincerely wish all my friends a happy new year.

  2011 I have made a goal for myself, and I know I have to work hard. I hope my friends can encourage and support me, hope to have new progress in the new year, new style, hope can help everyone to share their daily and Xiaoxing bit by bit.

  Finally I wish was more brilliant tomorrow, my dear colleagues, always healthy, for everyone to pay New Year's call here!

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