《Never Forget-L.ove》英文歌词

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  《Never Forget-L.ove》英文歌词





  Never Forget-L.ove

  i remember when you told me you would never leave

  no matter how bad things seemed

  nothing could take you from me

  but i could see it through your eyes

  something wasnt alright

  sometimes things gotta change

  nothing can stay the same

  so why'd it have to end up this way

  never thought we'd be apart

  when you left you tore up my heart

  but your here with me

  if only in my memories

  time keeps passing by

  trying so hard not to cry

  i gotta hold on

  i gotta be strong

  but ill never forget your love

  time keeps passing by

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  im trying hard not to cry

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

  i could tell you everything

  you were my bestfriend

  never thought that would end

  but i took you for granted

  theres so much i miss

  its so hard to handle this

  seems like just yesterday you told me it would be ok

  why'd you leave me alone

  give anything to have you come back home

  never thought we'd be apart

  when you left you tore up my heart

  but your here with me

  if only in my memories

  time keeps passing by

  trying so hard not to cry

  i gotta hold on

  i gotta be strong

  but ill never forget your love

  time keeps passing by

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  im trying hard not to cry

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong


  nothing can ever be the same


  nothing can take away this pain

  coz right now its hurting

  its hurting its hurting

  but your love is something

  is something ill never forget

  time keeps passing by

  trying so hard not to cry

  i gotta hold on

  i gotta be strong

  but ill never forget your love

  time keeps passing by

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  im trying hard not to cry

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

  time keeps passing by

  trying so hard not to cry

  i gotta hold on

  i gotta be strong

  but ill never forget your love

  time keeps passing by

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  gotta hold on

  im trying hard not to cry

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

  gotta be strong

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