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Lecture for Sep. 21

? Ancient Chinese Philosophy—the soul of Chinese traditional culture ⑤ Tradition has it that he studied ritual with the Daoist Master Lao Dan, music with

Chang Hong, and the lute with Music-master Xiang.










Confucius was the first person in Chinese history to teach large numbers of students in a

private capacity. According to tradition, he had three thousand students, 72 of whom became

proficient in the “six Arts” or “six Classics”.




① the six arts:

ritual, music, archery, chariot-riding, calligraphy, and computation

② the six classics:

the Book of Poetry, the Book of History, the Book of Rites, the Book of Music, the

Book of Changes, and the Spring and Autumn Annals

Ⅴ. Definition of Confucianism

Confucianism is a philosophical school developed from the teachings of the sage Confucius

(孔子), collected in the Analects of Confucius (论语). It is a system of moral, social, political,

educational and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on Chinese history,

thought, and culture down to the 21st century.

Ⅵ. Doctrines of Confucius 孔子的思想


The Time of Confucius: chaos and disorder

Military conflict between states and power struggles within a state. The old order of social

life was being destroyed and a new one was advancing.

Cause:The misuse and abuse of ritual (li) and music (yue) (“礼坏乐崩” )

Source of Confucius’ philosophy:

Lunyu, also known as the Analects of Confucius.

It is considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher

Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held.



Confucius said, “A transmitter and not a maker, believing in and loving the ancients, I

venture to compare myself with our old Pang.”

—Lunyu 7.1

① Confucius' Social Philosophy

What is ren?


— 《 论语·颜渊》

Fan Chi asked what “ren” is. Confucius said, “Ren consists in loving others.” —Lunyu 12.22

Translation: “benevolence”,“love”,“humanity/humaneness”,“goodness”

How to put ren into practice?

The Confucian Golden Rule: “忠恕”之道 (Loyalty and Reciprocity)



— 《论语·里仁》

Confucius said, “Shen! My teaching contains one principle that runs through it all.” “Yes,”

replied Zeng Zi. When Concius had left the room, the disciples asked: What did he mean?” Zeng

Zi replied: “Our master?s teaching is simply this: loyalty and reciprocity.”

—Lunyu 4.15

Positive aspect of the practice: zhong


— 《论语· 雍也》

“The man of ren is one who, desiring to sustain himself, sustains others, and desiring to

develop himself, develops others. To be able from one?s own self to draw a parallel for the

treatment of others; that may be called the way to practice ren.”

—Lunyu 6.30

In other words:

己之所欲,亦施于人( “Do to others what you wish yourself.”)

Negative aspect of the practice: shu

子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终生行之者乎?” 子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施于人。”

— 《论语·卫灵公》

Zi Gong asked: “Is there any one word that can serve as a principle for the conduct of life?”

Confucius said, “Perhaps the word ?reciprocity?: Do not do to others what you do not want others

do to you.”

—(Lunyu 15.24)

(Do not do to others what you do not wish to be done to yourself. )

How to put “ren” into practice?

The root of ren :“孝”道(Filial Piety)



— 《论语?学而》

② Confucius' Political Philosophy

Governing by Virtue(德政)

Confucius' political philosophy is rooted in his belief that a ruler should govern his subjects

by his own example, and should treat them with love and concern.



What made a government good was the power of moral virtues rather than the power of cruel

and punitive laws. Moral virtues could produce trust and faith in the people, while punitive

measures might stop illegal or immoral behavior only for a moment.

The Rectification of Names(正名)



Zilu said, “Suppose the ruler of Wei were waiting for you, in order with you to administer

the government. What would you consider the first thing to be done?” The Master replied, “The

one thing needed first is the rectification of names.“

—Lunyu 13.3

What is Zhengming?




Duke Jing of Qi asked Confucius the principles of good government, Confucius replied: “Let

the ruler be ruler, the minister minister, the father father, and the son son.”Sep-21。

—(Lunyu 12.11)


The Rectification of Names means to know one's roles in the society, and behaving

accordingly so as to ensure social harmony.

③ Confucius's Educational Theory

Theory of Knowledge: What is knowledge?



Confucius said, "When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not

know a thing, to allow that you do not know it —this is knowledge.“

—Lunyu 2.17

Theory of Learning: How are skills and knowledge acquired?


— 《论语·为政》

Confucius said, “He who learns but does not think is labor lost. He who thinks but does not

learn is in great danger.”

— Lunyu 2.15


— 《论语·为政》Sep-21。

Confucius said, “If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be

acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.”

— Lunyu 2.11

Theory of Opportunity: Who are to be educated?


— 《论语·述而》

Confucius said, “From the man bringing his bundle of dried flesh for my teaching upwards, I

have never refused instruction to any one.”

— Lunyu 2.15

"In teaching there should be no distinction of classes.“ (有教无类 )

Theory of Transmission: How to teach?





— 《先进》

“to teach students in accordance with their aptitude”(因材施教 )

Some well known Confucian quotes:


When traveling in company of two other people, I could find my teachers; I would learn from

their good points and guard against their bad ones.


Isn?t it a pleasure that to learn and then review (practice) what you have learned from time to



Intelligent and fond of learning, he was not ashamed to ask and learn from his inferiors.





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目 录

1 介绍 ............................................................................................................................................... 7

2 技术应用背景 ................................................................................................................................ 7

3 技术特色 ....................................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 SEP基本概念 ............................................................................................................................. 8

3.1.1 SEP的基本原理 ................................................................................................................... 8

3.1.2 控制VLAN ........................................................................................................................ 10

3.1.3 节点 .................................................................................................................................. 10

3.1.4 端口角色 ........................................................................................................................... 10

3.1.5 边缘端口 ........................................................................................................................... 10

3.1.6 普通端口 ........................................................................................................................... 11

3.1.7 SEP端口状态 ..................................................................................................................... 11

3.2 SEP实现机制 ........................................................................................................................... 12

3.2.1 邻居端口协商机制 ............................................................................................................ 12

3.2.2 SEP链路状态同步及拓扑显示 ........................................................................................... 12

3.2.3 阻塞端口机制 .................................................................................................................... 13

3.2.4 端口抢占方式 .................................................................................................................... 14

3.2.5 SEP拓扑通告 ..................................................................................................................... 15

3.2.6 负载均衡 ........................................................................................................................... 16

4 SEP支持的典型组网 .................................................................................................................... 16

4.1 开放环组网 ............................................................................................................................. 16

4.2 封闭环组网 ............................................................................................................................. 17

4.3 多环组网 ................................................................................................................................. 18

4.4 混合组网 ................................................................................................................................. 19

4.5 SEP与CFM联动应用 ............................................................................................................... 20

5 SEP多环组网配置举例 ................................................................................................................ 21

6 结束语 ......................................................................................................................................... 24


表1 SEP的端口状态 .................................................................................................................................. 11

表2 各种端口角色具有的端口状态 ......................................................................................................... 11


图 3-1 SEP半环组网图 .......................................................................................................................................... 8 图 3-2 SEP环形组网 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 图 3-3 SEP 多环组网 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 图 3-4 边缘端口和无邻居边缘端口 .................................................................................................................... 11 图 3-5 LSW2链路状态同步 ................................................................................................................................. 13 图 4-1 SEP开放环组网图..................................................................................................................................... 17 图 4-2 SEP封闭型组网 ........................................................................................................................................ 18 图 4-3 SEP多环组网图 ........................................................................................................................................ 19 图 4-4 混合组网 ................................................................................................................................................... 20 图 4-5 SEP与CFM联动组网图 ............................................................................................................................ 21 图 5-1 SEP多环组网图 ........................................................................................................................................ 22





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